Entries by Anna

Teriyaki Salmon Noodle

Teriyaki is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled with a glaze of soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Fish – yellowtail, marlin, skipjack tuna, salmon, trout, and mackerel – is mainly used in Japan, while white and red meat – chicken, pork, lamb, and beef – is more […]

Coriander Mushroom Sauce

Coriander is native to regions spanning from southern Europe and North Africa to southwestern Asia. It is a soft plant growing to 50 cm (20 in) tall. The leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed at the base of the plant, and slender and feathery higher on the flowering stems. [column type=”one-half” last=”false” ] [/column] [column type=”one-half” […]


Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova. It is a meringue dessert with a crisp crust and soft, light inside. The dessert is believed to have been created in honour of the dancer either during or after one of her tours to Australia and New Zealand in the 1920s. […]

Stuffed Peppers

I was first introduced to stuffed peppers by a Greek friend of mine in Melbourne. The peppers, made by his mother had something I noted that was simple and tasty and made me wonder why I had not come across this before. There’s no end to the amount of flavors you can stuff into a […]

BBQ Sauce

The precise origin of BBQ sauce is unclear. Some trace it to the end of the 15th century, when Christopher Columbus brought a sauce back from Hispaniola, while others place it at the formation of the first American colonies in the 17th century. References to the substance start occurring in both English and French literature […]

Inlagd sill

Det här är ett grundrecept för inläggning av sill och är en klassisk sill som passar de flesta i smaken. Vi gör den både till jul, påsk och midsommar. Tid: ca 20 min Hållbarhet: Upp till en vecka Antal portioner: ca 4 Ingredienser 4 filéer salt sill (ca 300g) 1 liten rödlök 1/2 morot ca […]

Pulled Pork

Pulled pork is a form of barbecue in which pork, usually shoulder cut (sometimes referred to as Boston butt) or mixed cuts, is cooked using a slow cook method. With these extended times at low temperatures, the meat becomes tender enough that it can be “pulled”, or easily broken into individual pieces.In the United States, […]

Jollof Rice

Jollof rice, also called ‘Benachin’ meaning one pot in the Wolof language, is a popular dish in many parts of West Africa. It is thought to have originated amongst members of the Wolof ethnic group in the Senegambia region but has since spread to the whole of West Africa, especially Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia. [column […]

Jerk Chicken

Jamaican Jerk can be a sauce or a seasoning and can be a delicious way to add a fiery and zesty spice to your menu. Once used as a meat preservative by the Arawak Indians, they later seasoned their meats with a rub dominated by all spice berries and leaves, and roasted over a wood […]

Slow Cook Lamb

[column type=”1/2″] [x_gap size=”30px”] The flavor of the shoulder makes it one of the nicer cuts and is in fact more economical to buy than the leg. With a nice slow cook it turns out to be wonderfully tender combined with a nice array of root vegetables it should turn out to be a favorite. […]